Who we are

BDP Foods is an international business platform created in Chile in 2009. This was created to facilitate, improve and increase food exports from producing countries to emerging markets that have great potential, but present different complexities that can be successfully overcome by having an office at the destination.

With offices in Chile, Russia, Southeast Asia, China and India, we have a multicultural professional team, located both in origin and destination, being an important support for exporters, importers, as well as for all the actors involved in the export process. By creating bonds of trust, we have fostered successful long-term business relationships between producers and customers in Russia, Southeast Asia, China and India, positioning our partners as world-class suppliers.


To be a company that facilitates food trade between producers and consumers. With offices in the destination markets and a multicultural professional team, identifying and understanding the needs of clients, thus transforming them into business opportunities for exporters. With a thorough knowledge of each market, we are able to increase the competitiveness of our clients, generating benefits for them, the company and those who are part of the BDP Foods team.


To be the world’s largest food trading platform, with offices in the main emerging markets, maximizing the benefit of producers, exporters and customers at destination.

The Platform has worked with a group of more than 90 exporting companies from various sectors: fresh fruit, dried fruit, wines, olive oil, seafood, processed vegetables, meats, among others. Helping them to develop the market and position themselves in the destination, according to the strategy and objectives of each one of them.

BDP Foods' growth from 2009 to 2025

We have been facilitating, improving and increasing food exports from producing countries to emerging markets for 15 years.


Matías Larraín Alamos


Arturo Costabal Claro


José Antonio Camiruaga Garretón


Federico Ghio Ruiz


Luis Vicente Andrade


Executive team